DS17 x BÖLLE x Guinea

I have a friend who also works mega lead on. His Instagram is called boelleischlebe. in Swissgerman Bölle isch lebe means Ball is life. The text I'm going to write in here now is also from him, you are welcome to chek out his IG. Foreign companies amassing huge fortunes through exploiting resources ind 3rd world countries. What a threat! No working polcal system, no enforced environmental laws, let‘s make money. But wait there are people living in this place? They need money to survive? Oh no. Let‘s bride whoever we can so we maximize the profits. Let‘s hide behind the corrupt regme and it‘s milary to destroy any form of reblion of the poorest of people. How about we talk about democracy and a path to a brighter future in front of the international community, just to stroke our ego? Genius. Let’s speak about facts: 55 procent live below the poverty line 25 procent live in extrem poverty. 230k children are suffering from moderate acute malnutrition 25.9 procent of the whole population are experiencing chronic malnutrition He also has listen his sources on his IG post!

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